My physical therapy journey began
with my own experience of pain.
Around the age of 18, I developed low back pain. There was no injury, no event, just a gradual onset of achiness right above my tailbone. I figured it would go away. But it didn’t.
I went off to college followed by graduate school. I learned about anatomy and physiology. About rehabilitation science. About different schools of thought and approaches. I experimented with all that I learned in an attempt to rid myself of the pain. But there it stayed.
After graduating with my doctorate in physical therapy, I sought the highest levels of post-doctoral training available to physical therapists in the US. I learned a lot. I gained a lot. I was more capable of helping people. Yet still, there was something missing. I still hadn’t ‘fixed’ my pain.
Then I began to explore eastern philosophy as it relates to pain and suffering, and began seeing my experiences through a slightly different lens.
I began to listen to my body, pay attention to my body, and heed its wisdom. I learned to treat the pain as a beacon to slow down, sleep, exercise, take breaks, move, have fun, laugh; to move toward a state of safety & balance in my life.
Through my experiences with my own pain and working with innumerable people suffering from pain, I have made it my mission in life to reduce human suffering.
my philosophy
I believe that the human body (and mind) possesses the capacity and the drive to heal.
This is true for all living organisms. From trees to fish to single-celled organisms to human beings; we all have an innate drive for homeostasis—for balance—and are capable of reaching this balance.
And yes, this balance shifts during our lifespan depending on a multitude of factors—some in our control, some not. But the body is always striving for balance and wellness nonetheless.
So what’s my role in all of this? I’m here to work with you to set the conditions for your body (and mind) to do what it already knows how to do: heal.
This is a collaborative process that is entirely centered around you— the individual. Ultimately, I want to help you do more of what you want to do, whatever that may be.
My approach to care is simple and pragmatic, and can be distilled to one essential question: How can I help?
this website is a space for everyone.
I write and speak about topics related to physical therapy, service, pain, and suffering for both physical therapists and those with no medical background or training.
I harness my curious (read: obsessive) mind to take complex topics, simplify them, and create daily implementation practices to help you cultivate the skills required to reach your goals. I don’t just provide information, I guide you to think critically, reflect, and act differently so that you can live the life you want to live.
want to know more about me?
I’m a questioner. I seek to understand how and why things are the way they are. This has led me to deeply investigate physical therapy and what it means to help people in this way.
I’m an implementer. I'm always searching for the best methods to make a real difference for myself and the people that I work with. This has led me to diverse areas of study and practice including philosophy, ethics, habits and implementation, pain science, mindfulness, meditation, and more.
I’m a creator. I can't help but take the things that I learn and create something new from them, blending a diverse array of methods, philosophies, and approaches to present a unique and diverse perspective.
who am i really?
I’m a Maryland native with a bit of an obsessive personality who relocated to southern California with my wife, Alyssa, and dog, Magnolia
We love to foster and rehabilitate dogs rescued from Tijuana
I like to stay active surfing, skateboarding, playing pickleball, and moving my body
I also love to meditate, cook, read, and learn new things
I’m learning to slow down (that might take a lifetime)​​​​
my professional credentials
2020 — Fellowship Training, Spine Rehabilitation, Kaiser Permanente
2017 — Residency Training, Orthopaedics, Johns Hopkins Hospital
2016 — Doctor of Physical Therapy, University of Maryland School of Medicine, Department of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Sciences
2013 — Bachelor of Science, Kinesiology, Temple University, Department of Kinesiology, College of Public Health
2018 — Board Certified Orthopaedic Clinical Specialist, ABPTS
2019-Present, California (active)
2016-2021, Maryland (inactive)
2018 — Heel Pain Pathway Content Development, Johns Hopkins Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Johns Hopkins Department of Orthopaedics
2018 — Spine Pathway Content Contribution, Johns Hopkins Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Johns Hopkins Department of Orthopaedics
2018 —Patient Engagement Training Implementation, Johns Hopkins Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
2017 — Electronic Clinical Reasoning Tool Design and Implementation, The Johns Hopkins Hospital and George Washington University Orthopaedic Residency, The Johns Hopkins Hospital Sports Residency, Johns Hopkins Rehabilitative Services
2021-Present — Mentor, University of Southern California Orthopedic Residency
2019 — Mentor, Johns Hopkins Pelvic Health Residency (Orthopaedic Portion)
2019 — Mentor, Johns Hopkins Hospital & George Washington University Orthopaedic Physical Therapy Residency Program
2018 — Assistant Instructor, Orthopaedic Physical Therapy Course Series, Johns Hopkins Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
2018 — Clinical Instructor, 10-week full-time internship, Entry-level DPT student
2017 — Adjunct Faculty, Management of Musculoskeletal Dysfunction II, George Washington University
2016 — Adjunct Faculty, Clinical Conference IV, George Washington University
2019 — Poster presentation: Pragmatic Interventions for Suspected MCL Sprain in the Context of an Inductive Reasoning Model, Johns Hopkins Clinical Expo
2019 — Platform presentation: Pragmatic Interventions for Suspected MCL Sprain in the Context of an Inductive Reasoning Model, AAOMPT 2019
2019 — Lecture: Clinical Reasoning & Development of Expertise, Johns Hopkins Hospital & George Washington University
Orthopaedic Physical Therapy Residency Program
2019 — Live Webinar: Plantar Fasciitis: Keeping it Simple, Johns Hopkins Community Physicians
2019 — Platform presentation: Proposed Examination of the Use of an Electronic Clinical Reasoning Tool to Enhance Physical Therapy Residents’ Self-Assessment and Self-Reflection, Armstrong Institute Summit For Diagnostic Excellence
2018 — Poster presentation: Proposed Examination of the Use of an Electronic Clinical Reasoning Tool to Enhance Physical Therapy Residents’ Self-Assessment and Self-Reflection, Johns Hopkins Clinical Expo
2019 — Lecture: Chronic/Persistent Pain, Johns Hopkins Rehabilitation Network, Howard County Clinic
2019 — Lecture: Chronic/Persistent Pain, Johns Hopkins Rehabilitation Network, Green Spring Station Clinic
2018 — Lecture: Chronic/Persistent Pain, Johns Hopkins Rehabilitation Network, Odenton Clinic
2017 — Lecture: Chronic/Persistent Pain, Johns Hopkins Rehabilitation Network, Timonium Clinic
2017 — Lecture: Chronic/Persistent Pain, Johns Hopkins Rehabilitation Network, White Marsh Clinic
2018 — Mentor: Pathways in Technology Early College High School (P-TECH), Dunbar High School, Baltimore, MD
2017 — Panel member: Pre-Diabetes Prevention Program
2024 — San Diego Pain Summit, 1.9 CEU
2023 — San Diego Pain Summit, 1.4 CEU
2023 — Applied Neuroscience & the Paining Person, Morton Hoegh, 1.075 CEU
2023 — Foundations of Implicit and Unconscious Bias, MedBridge, 0.1 CEU
2023 — Understanding the Needs of LGBTQ Patients and Clients, MedBridge, 0.125 CEU
2021 — Trauma-Informed Care Principles for Rehabilitation Professionals, PhysicalTherapy.com, 0.2 CEU
2021 — Management of the Client with Compromised Respiratory Function, PhysicalTherapy.com, 0.2 CEU
2021 — Why This Test? Clinical Decision-Making for Balance, PhysicalTherapy.com, 0.2 CEU
2021 — Mindfulness: Beyond Guided Meditation, PhysicalTherapy.com, 0.2 CEU
2021 — Ethics in Rehabilitation: A Clinical Perspective for Therapists, PhysicalTherapy.com, 0.3 CEU
2019 — AAOMPT, Orlando, FL, 1.7 CEU
2019 — Pain: From Biology to Behavior Change, Lorimer Moseley, 1.3 CEU
2019 — APTA Combined Sections Meeting, Washington, D.C., 1.4 CEU
2018 — Clinical Neurodynamics: The Lower Quarter, Michael Shacklock, Neurodynamic Solutions, 1.7 CEU
2017 — APTA Combined Sections Meeting, San Antonio, TX, 1.4 CEU
2017 — Foundations in Dry Needling for Orthopaedic Rehabilitation and Sport Performance, Structure and Function Dry Needling, 2.5 CEU
2016 — Orthopedic Physical Therapy Seminar Series, University of Southern California, 11.2 CEU
2016 — Clinical Implementation of Psychologically-Informed Physical Therapy Practice, Johns Hopkins University, 0.8 CEU
2016 — Pressing Reset: Restoring the Body Through Movement, Original Strength, 1.0 CEU
2015 — AAOMPT, Louisville, KY, 1.8 CEU
2015 — APTA NEXT Conference & Exposition, National Harbor, D.C., 1.1 CEU
2014 — APTA Maryland Chapter Meeting, 0.5 CEU
2014 — Advanced Gait Training for Individuals with Lower Extremity Amputation, 0.5 CEU

I'm looking forward to learning with you!